365 days. A year that doesn’t typically look like your first year of marriage. No trips just the two of us, few date nights, more doctors appointments than I care to count or remember. But what I do remember and have been reminded of every single day; Tim’s love has been constant. Through the peaks and valleys of it all. He has been my biggest encourager, reminding me to not let anything steal my joy. Speaking the same truths my dad would tell me constantly growing up, “worry about what you can control.” He has been there to make me laugh, held me through my tears and continues to emphasize God has me right where I’m supposed to be. 

No, we didn’t have a big wedding. We didn’t have a first dance or cut our cake together. But it was still beautiful and perfect in every single way. What matters is not the wedding; it’s that we grow together each day and continue to love each other all the days to come. Happy 1st anniversary, love. 

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