My Top Book Recommendations

Growing up, I wasn’t a big reader. During high school, I discovered (sorry mom) and didn’t finish the majority of the books that were required. In college and PT school, I was so burned out with studying and reading my text books that the LAST thing I wanted to do was open another book. Fast forward to this past year or so, when everyone had a bit more time on their hands, I started slowly reading a few books that were highly recommended. My goal lately is to read a book a month and carve time out each day to read. Here are my top 5 books I have read to date.



Hands down without a doubt, my favorite novel. But lets back up a tad… I actually couldn’t get into this book in the beginning. I put it down around 40-50 pages in, but when everyone was hyping it up, I decided to give it another whirl. Delia Owens paints a beautiful picture of each character, as well as the marshland where the story takes place. Historical fiction and crime are intertwined throughout the storyline. This is one book that I would 100% recommend everyone read. I’m excited for the movie to come out next year!



I read this book during a crucial time in my life. It helped with my anxiety, making important decisions and my overall outlook. I love this book so much; that I have a hard copy AND the audiobook that I often listen to on my drives when I need to recenter myself. Gabby Bernstein helps transform your fears into faith to live a life of happiness, security and clear direction. I am currently reading another one of her books; Super Attractor. I highly recommend The Universe Has Your Back to anyone who is walking through a difficult season of life, dealing with stress or who needs additional support.



If you are a dog lover, this is a must read. I read this book years ago, before the movie debut, and it has forever tugged at my heart strings. It is written from a dogs perspective, which I found very endearing. This story of Enzo will make you love your pups even more and never take for granted the special bond we have with them. Funny, uplifting and heart warming.



Kristin Hannah is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. Her books take you on a journey but continue to keep you hooked with the events along the way and the relationships formed. The Four Winds is a historical fiction novel that shows the struggles of the Great Depression. The Great Alone tells the story of a families’ move to Alaska and what it takes to survive in that environment. Both books also share the theme of a mother-daughter bond in hopes of a better life. I’m excited to also read The Nightingale, her #1 New York Times Bestseller.



If you are walking through a trial, this is a must read. Heck, this is a must read for everyone because you are either about to enter a trial, currently in one or on your way out. I love the perspective in this book. It taught me to trust in God no matter my circumstances, and that He is working everything out for my good, even if I cannot see it at the moment. “I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages.”