Portraits - Sacramento, CA Lifestyle Session

Every January, I take a bit of time to reflect on the past year of my photography. I identify my weaknesses, where I feel uncomfortable, where I have been slacking and which areas I would like to learn more about during the next year. Portraits were an area that I didn’t feel 100% confident. With two people, it is easy to let their interactions and feelings towards each other shine through. But, what about just one person? Without a “pretty” backdrop to distract your eye. No bouquet or other accessories to hold on to. Minimal to no modeling experience. So I bribed my girlfriends with a morning full of brunch, mimosas (or maybe just straight champagne) and snapped their photos. What I did not expect was to have one of the most enjoyable mornings filled with girls bonding and building each other up. These ladies are the real rockstars here.