Baby Cayden

It is always an honor to photograph your friends. Especially when they choose (more like insist) on you. I had the pleasure of meeting Monica at my first ever big girl job. In a very intimidating environment, she was so welcoming and helped me feel right at home. We bonded instantly over trashy tv (The Bachelor/ette), Target trips, dad jokes, dirty jokes and more shopping. It has been 5+ years since I have been at said job, but our friendship hasn’t skipped a beat. Each time we talk or see each other we pick up right where we left off, which can be tough when life gets busy. Not to mention when you live 2-3 hours away.

Monica & Joey have two little boys, Caleb and Cayden. They packed up their family and drove from the Bay Area to Sacramento to spend the afternoon for their photo session. Caleb spent most of the afternoon running up and down our stairs while Cayden snoozed away. Monica, it has been a joy watching you become a mother. You are completely in your element when you are around your kiddos. Joey, Caleb and Cayden are so lucky to have you.